1 前言 目前,许多大中型水库的泄洪建筑物和大中型水闸均采用自控系统来开启闸门,下游水位随闸门开启时间而变,而闸门安全开度应受下游水位控制,因而闸门开启过程中各级开度的间隔时间是不相同的。本文介绍了城西湖退水闸在保证湖内引河安全的前提下,闸门开启的自动控制方法。
We will conti nue t o improve t he compa ny's inter nal control system, and steady im provement i n a bility to manag e and control, optimize busine ss proce sses, to e nsur e smooth pr oce sses, responsibilities i n pla ce; to further stre ngthe n inter nal control s, play a control post i nde pende nt oversig ht rol e of evaluation complyi ng with t hird-party responsi bility; to a ctively make