promotion of employment, form a rea sonable and orderly pattern of income di stribution, build a m ore fair and sustaina ble social security systems, me dical and healt h system reform. The ple nary, innovation of social g overna nce, must focus on t he mainte nance of fundame ntal interest s of the ov erwhelming majority of the pe ople , maximize factors, e nha nce social development, im proving
姓名: 学院: 专业: 班级: 学号: 关于图书馆消防设施的研究 摘要: 图书馆作为人类知识的宝库, 其重要性不言而喻, 由于图书馆中的藏书多且易燃, 而且 一旦发生火灾就会造成不可挽回的后果, 就算火被扑灭, 大量的书籍也会毁于一旦, 所以对 于图书馆的消防要求不仅仅局限于把火扑灭, 而是要求怎样能在灭火的同时完好的保存好书 籍。为此,图书馆的消防设施就使用了现在的消防系统例如: 自动喷水系统, 卷帘门分区等! Abstract: Library is the treasures of knowledge, so it is very important to protect it. But there are so many books and they are very flammable. So If there is a fire, drastic consequences w