静音 Be Quiet 特殊结构管道设计,能使立管水流和横支管水流快速形成附壁漩 流,减缓立管水流速度, 减少水流与管壁及空气之间的碰撞, 降低 管道的震动,能大幅度降低系统排水时的噪音。 Stand-up water folw and horizontal water flow come into whirl flow by special pipe structure,this design is good to reduce water flow speed,reduce impact between water and pipe wall,so as to reduce the noise. 大流量 Large Flow Rate 上,下部特殊管件设计,消除水舌、水塞、水壅等现象,保持立管 内空气畅通, 有效保证管道内的压力平衡, 可大幅度提高的排水系 统能力。 Upper and
2QDVSHFLDOVWDQGDORQHDSSOLFDWLRQWXEH GUDLQDJHV\VWHP Abstract Key words: Special single riser;Design and Selection;Engineering Applications;Comparative analysis ≤?????*%????л?? ???? ≤ ? ? ? ? ? ≤ ? 丣 ? ? Technology Application ?Ⅰ"% 8"# ?????喋17$6喌 ?????喋17$6喌 17$6?ネ ?????喋17$6喌 ? ф? ф? ? ? ?????喋17$6喌 ? ф? ф? ? ? ? ? ? ф? ? ? ф? ? ? ф? ? ?ネ喌 ネ%FⅠ?-4 "%??%F?ネ ??17$6?Ⅰ ?Technology Application ???? ???