Manipulator i s now used a s a industrial r obots in use, the contr ol objective s often a ppe ar often i n industrial a utomation. Industrial a utomation technology has gradually matured, as mature a te chnol ogy line has bee n rapi d devel opme nt in i ndustrial aut omation a s a se parate subje ct. Ma nipulator appli cation bega n to filter into weldi ng, l ogistics, mechani cal pr oce ssing, a
湖南省辰溪县小龙门乡煤矿 水 文 地 质 调 查 报 告 二 O一 O年五月 目 录 第一章 前 言 ................................................................................... 1 一、任务由来及目的任务 ............................................................. 1 二、交通位臵及开发概况 ............................................................. 1 (一)交通位臵 ....................................................................... 1 (二)开发概况 ...............