不锈钢酸洗钝化膏使用说明 Manual of Stainless steel pickling and passivation paste 该产品为强酸、强腐蚀品,使用时特别要注意安全,操作人员务必要做好防护措施。操作 人员必备穿戴防护服、口罩、防护眼镜、耐酸手套、耐酸胶鞋。主要成分为 20%硝酸, 5%氢氟 酸 , 适量纤维素和水。 The product is strong acid, strong corrosive substances, when using it, please pay particular attention to safety, the operators have to take good protection measures. Operators must wear protective masks, protective glasses, pr
不锈钢酸洗钝化膏使用说明 Manual of Stainless steel pickling and passivation paste 该产品为强酸、强腐蚀品,使用时特别要注意安全,操作人员务必要做好防护措施。操作 人员必备穿戴防护服、口罩、防护眼镜、耐酸手套、耐酸胶鞋。主要成分为 20%硝酸, 5%氢氟 酸 , 适量纤维素和水。 The product is strong acid, strong corrosive substances, when using it, please pay particular attention to safety, the operators have to take good protection measures. Operators must wear protective masks, protective glasses, pr