食堂厨房通风设计的一点体会——本稿件为食堂厨房通风设计的一点体会 摘要:就食堂厨房通风设计, 通风设备的选用等问题提出个人观点, 认为食堂厨房排烟须经净化处理, 并有组织排放, 一些蒸煮间也必须进行排风设计。
living standards, poor farmers in less tha n complete elimi nation of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. "Five waters rule": t he County invested 2.169 billi on yuan, similar counties line the city's first com plete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completi on rate ranked first i n the city, w on the provincial r ural sewage treatment w ork better; key poll ution source s such a s electroplati