positi on-related consumption of civi l servant s ha s bee n sw ept by fi nance, consume r, regardle ss of cost, extravagance a nd wa ste in t he civ il servi ce positi on-related consumption, abuse , corrupti on and embezzlement, corr upti on is importa nt. Then, under the conditi ons of market economy, how t o reform the existi ng civil duty consum ption management, explore s a sour ce to preve
positi on-related consumption of civi l servant s ha s bee n sw ept by fi nance, consume r, regardle ss of cost, extravagance a nd wa ste in t he civ il servi ce positi on-related consumption, abuse , corrupti on and embezzlement, corr upti on is importa nt. Then, under the conditi ons of market economy, how t o reform the existi ng civil duty consum ption management, explore s a sour ce to preve