星光城购物中心 商户服务管理规定 編 號 層級 部門 類別 序號 版別 1.0 頁次 1/6 商户服务管理规定 制作: 日 期: . 审查: 日 期: . 核准: 日 期: . 核准: 日 期: . 星光城购物中心 商户服务管理规定 編 號 層級 部門 類別 序號 版別 1.0 頁次 2/6 目录 1 商户服务管理规定 ································································································································ 4 2 店铺每月经营状况反馈表(公司) ························································································
marketing strict internal cost control, busi ness and i nnovation performance. --Incre asing e lectri city access, price i ncre ase, el ectricity supply is guarantee d. In 2012, t he company wit h coal invent ory, get rewar ds of Jiangsu pr ovincial governme nt power to 266 million k Wh. T hrough the "small" and bi lateral trade, access to electri city 1.695 billi on kWh, seeking removal compensat