建筑工程施工安全责任制度——1项目部主要人员安全职责 1.1 项目部经理安全职责 1.2 项目部副经理安全职责 1.3 项目总工程师(技术负责人)安全职责 1.4 施工队(班组)长安全职责 1.5 施工队(班组)技术员安全职责 1.6 施工人员安全...
probl ems that cannot be ignored. Some lea ders unwilling t o do masses w ork, masse s concept weak, on masses feeli ngs not deep, pe ndulum not are with masses of relationshi p, thi nk masses w ork is rev oluti onary w ar era of thi ngs, now obsolete ha s, buried busine ss w ork, ig nore d masse s work of situation compare d Ge neral; some lea ders not do ma sses work, old met hod regardl ess of