1 浅谈坡屋面的渗漏及防治 胡俊 (安徽电力建设第一工程公司,合肥 230601) 摘 要:结合钢筋混凝土坡屋面的基本构造, 指出导致坡屋面渗漏的原因, 从设计、 选材和施工三方面提出屋面防渗漏对策和实际施工防治措施。 关键词: 坡屋面 渗漏 原因分析 防治措施 Abstract:Sloping roof of reinforced concrete combined with the basic structure that led to the leakage of the reasons for sloping roof, from design, material selection and construction of three proposed countermeasures against leakage of roofconstructionand practi