株洲冶炼厂接受武钢“○七”建设工程所需要的锌铝铅合金大锭试制工作, 厂党委十分重视,组织了有关人员进行了研究,并专门成立了一个以老工人为主体的“三结合”试制小组。试制小组的同志克服了种种困难,发扬了敢闯敢干的革命精神,在一无资料,二无实践经验的条件下,经过短短四十天的时间完成了在功率为3瓩,容量为1.5公斤的坩埚电炉内的小型试验和功率为180瓩、
PSS 7 Suspended Float Switch Description KROMA PSS 7 suspended float switches are designed to monitor levels of extremely dirty liquids in nonmagnetic tanks (e.g. of stainless steel or plastics). A plastic float on a ?" plug made of brass is suspended on the end of a stainless steel cord. Float and cord are inserted in the tank through a ?" socket. As the float rises with the level of the liq