living standards, poor farmers in less tha n complete eliminati on of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. "Five water s rule": t he County i nvested 2.169 billion yua n, simil ar countie s line t he city's first complete t he 42 km of sew age pi pe netw ork constr ucti on, compl etion rate ra nked first in the city, w on t he pr ovincial r ural sewage treatment w ork better; key poll ution sources such a s el
living standards, poor farmers in less tha n complete eliminati on of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. "Five water s rule": t he County i nvested 2.169 billion yua n, simil ar countie s line t he city's first complete t he 42 km of sew age pi pe netw ork constr ucti on, compl etion rate ra nked first in the city, w on t he pr ovincial r ural sewage treatment w ork better; key poll ution sources such a s el