promoti on of employme nt, form a rea sonable and or derly patter n of i ncome distri buti on, buil d a mor e fair and sustaina ble social se curity systems, me dical and healt h sy stem reform. The ple nary, i nnovation of social g overnance, must focus on the mainte nance of fundame ntal int erests of the overwhe lming majority of the people, maximize fa ctors, enhance socia l devel opme nt, im
目 录 一、工程概况 ...................................................................................... 1 二、材质要求 ...................................................................................... 2 三、脚手架基础施工技术要求 ........................................................... 2 1、支架基础处理 ................................................................................ 2 2、支架搭设 ..........................
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