Features: Metal case Universal AC input / Full Range IP67 Waterproof Output Voltage and Constant current adjustable 100% full load burn-in test With PFC Function Colling by free air convection High efficiency 91% Min 3 years Warranty Mechanical Specification Protections:Short circuit/Over Voltage/Over current/Over Temp 120W Series Single Output LED Power Supply FuYuan Electronic Co.,LTD 1 / 5 Fi
最小输入电压 _Vinmin= 90.00 Vac LED单颗平均电压 _Vled= 3.20 Vdc 最大输入电压 _Vinmax= 264.00 Vac LED单颗平均电流 _Iled= 320.00 mA 输入频率@Vinmin_Fin= 60.00 Hz LED串联数量 _Qsled= 7.00 Pcs 系统工作频率 @Voutmax_Fsw= 45.00 Khz LED并联数量 _Qpled= 1.00 Pcs 系统效率@Vinmin_Eff= 85.00 % 电源输出电压 _Vout= 22.40 Vdc 系统工作最大占空比 _Dmax= 35.00 % 电源输出电流 _Iout= 320.00 mA 输入电容纹波电压_ ΔVCE= 20.00 Vdc 电源输出功率 _Pout= 7.17 Walt PPFC系数_CPPFC= 0.50 0.5/1 BP310X LED驱动电源
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