莱依迪光电科技(深圳)有限公司 工厂地址:深圳宝安区石岩镇水田工业区鸿兴路 1-2 号 联系电话: 0755-27647965 27647960 27647958 MR16/1.5W MR16/2.4W MR16/1*1W MR16/1*3W 技术参数 PARAMETERS Item No Equal to Conventional Spot Light 相对于传统射灯 LED Qty LED个数 Input DC Voltage 输入电压( DC) Input Current 输入电流 MR16/0.8W ?W 12粒∮5单晶 LED AC/DC 12V DC 51mA±10% MR16/1.1W ?W 18粒∮5单晶 LED AC/DC 12V DC 100mA±10% MR16/1.3W ?W 21粒∮5单晶 LED AC/DC 12V DC 120m
promotion of empl oyment, form a rea sonable a nd orderly pattern of i ncome distri buti on, bui ld a more fair a nd sustai nable social se curity systems, medi cal and health system reform. T he pl enar y, innovati on of soci al governance, must focus on the mainte nance of fundame ntal interest s of the overwhelming majority of the people, maximize fact ors, e nha nce social development, impr ov