原牡丹江大桥建于1984年, 桥长520米, 13跨, 每跨40米, 桥宽20.8米, 双向四车道, 简支T梁结构.本项目将对其进行拓宽改 造,拓宽后的牡丹江大桥总宽41.5米,双向8车道.新建大桥宽21.5米,除边跨为36米外其余跨径与旧桥相同,上部结构采用预制小箱梁,简 支转连续体系.本桥为黑龙江目前规模最大的桥梁改扩建工程,文章重点介绍该桥的总体设计、结构设计、旧桥加固及施工技术难点等,为同 类桥梁的设计与施工提供参考.
Party branch Se cretary of a party le cture of two speeches: tutori ng covers all of the new party Constit ution two e ducation has ki cked off. Study of the Constituti on of this pra ctice i s a very importa nt part. T oday I'll giv e you a new section of the Constituti on on the counselling of learni ng lessons, hope, t hroug h today 's tut orial, further consolidati on of all the party member s