In order to e nsure normal tea chi ng or der, protecti ng student s ' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat nati onal (pr operty) is not lost, to preve nt or minimize the occurre nce of safety acci dent s, follow t he "preve nt, rescue ea ch othe r, ensure safety and re duce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the l oca l conditi ons, make t he manageme nt system. 1, t he pri nci pal is t he responsi bi
建设工程委托招标代理合同 工程建设项目招标代理协议书 委托人: ______________________________________________________________ 受托人: ______________________________________________________________ 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》 、《中华人民共和国招标投标法》及国家的有关法律、 行政法规,遵循平等、 自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,双方就 ________招标代理事项协商 一致, 订立本合同。 一、工程概况 工程名称: __________________________________________________ 地点: ______________________________________________________ 规模: _________