APS-8-4040L 型材 Prof ile 40*40L 8mm 槽宽的工业铝型材系列 应用说明 Application : 适用于应力及强度较大的框架组合结 构,它的外型采用圆角过渡,表面经过 阳极氧化处理,高雅美观并抗腐蚀,它 通常采用 M8X20 高强度专用螺栓加弹 性扣件的内部连接方式, 坚固而又可靠, 是工业框架应用最广泛的型材之一。 技术数据: 材料 Materi al 铝 Aluminum(60 63-T5) 单位质 量 Weight 1.46 kg/m 长度 Length 5m 、6m 集合惯 性 Mass of Inertia lx: 9.25cm 4 ly: 9.25cm 4 截面惯 性 Sectio n Modul us Zx: 4.86cm 3 Zy: 4.86cm 3 订货号 Order No. APS-8-4040L 40系列 其
Interactive Catalog Replaces Catalog Pages Sensing and Control Honeywell Inc. 11 West Spring Street Freeport, Illinois 61032 Honeywell Sensing and Control has replaced the PDF product catalog with the new Interactive Catalog . The Interactive Catalog is a power search tool that makes it easier to find product information. It includes more installation, application, and technical informa
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