延安大学建筑学院毕业设计(说明) 1 摘 要 建筑地点: 某市开发区 construction Site: city 结构形式: 框架结构 construction Systen: Framestructure 建筑面积: 5139.4m2 floor Area: 5139.4m2 层数 /高度: 4层/18.35m stories/Height: 4 stories/18.35m 主要用途: 商场 main Use:Shopping 关键词: 框架结构 frame structure 现浇混凝土 cast-in-place concreate 条形基础 spread footings 屋面板 roof plate 正截面 normal section 根据教学要求入手,从“灵活使用”的角度出发,绿化与建筑相结合,改善 外部购物环境。内部采用大、中、小不同的空间尺寸以及斜线、曲线等不同的要
In or der to e nsure normal tea chi ng or der, prote cting st ude nts ' healt hy growt h, ensuri ng that nati onal (pr operty) is not l ost, to prevent or mi nimize the occurr ence of safety accide nts, foll ow the " prevent, rescue each ot her, e nsure safety and reduce l osses" princi ple, a ccor ding t o the l ocal conditi ons, make t he manag eme nt system. 1, t he pri nci pal is t he responsi