工程名称 序号 检测报告编号 合格证编号 牌号 规格(mm) 生产厂家 委托日期 1 L00910211601917 160716H00110 HRB400 6 中天钢铁 2016/9/2 2 L00910211601917 150210H00041 HRB400E 8 中天钢铁 2016/9/2 3 L00910211601907 2016080301 HRB400E 10 无锡新三洲 2016/9/2 4 L00910211601917 0011989 HRB400E 12 盐城联鑫 2016/9/2 5 L00910211601899 160714180 HRB400E 14 连云港兴鑫 2016/9/2 6 L00910211601899 160815292 HRB400E 16 连云港兴鑫 2016/9/2 7 L00910211601899 160815293 HRB400E
is one of the pra ctical form of values. The so-cal led values refers to the obje ctive thi ngs are of no value a nd t he value of fundame ntal perspe ctive. Different values, pe ople' s behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. Pe ople -ori ented focus on huma n value a nd reality, we nee d the broa dest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriente d value s, is to make the e conomy more developmen