XX 大学毕业设计说明书(论文) - 1 - 目 录 摘要⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ...2 关键词⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ...2 前 言⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ .⋯⋯⋯..2 第一章 设计任务书及要求 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ... ⋯..4 第二章 方案设计 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ .6 第三章 电动机的选择与计算 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ .⋯...11 第四章 传动装置的传动比及动力参数计算 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ .⋯ ...15 第五章 减速器部件的选择计算 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 16 §1 蜗杆传动设计计算 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 18 §2 环面蜗轮蜗杆校核计算 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ .. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..23 §3
英文原文: NOVEL METHOD OF REALIZING THE OPTIMAL TRANSMISSION OF THE CRANK-AND-ROCKER MECHANISM DESIGN Abstract: A novel method of realizing the optimal transmission of the crank-and-rocker mechanism is presented. The optimal combination design is made by finding the related optimal transmission parameters. The diagram of the optimal transmission is drawn. In the diagram, the relation among minimu