西部中小机场基础建设项目融资方案的选择——通过分析目前西部中小机场可选择的融资方式及其优缺点、适用条件,探讨了内外部环境对西部中小机场融资决 策的影响,建议西部中小机场应充分利用国家目前积极的财政政策和宽松的货币政策,结合自身实际情况,制定融...
the party's fine style , carry forward t he traditional Chine se virtues, practi cing t he Socialist core value s, vigorously carry forwar d the spirit of Jiao Yul u, Hong qi Canal spirit a nd spirit of per sistence, honesty in politics, strict statesma n, stick t o the spiritual heights of the Communist s. Four to devoti on, as, do play a role in qualifyi ng. Official Communi st dut y. To fulfill