中国园林 摘 要: 城市滨湖景区是一种特殊形式的绿地, 既是景区的重要组成部分, 也是街区的有机延伸, 是风景优美的活动场所。如何引 导密集的人流, 建设通透精致的景观, 是设计这类场地的关键问题。杭州西湖湖滨景区的建设从城市规划、 园林设计、建筑设计、灯光 照明设计、喷泉设置等多个方面进行了探索, 力图创作出绿树如荫、 优美舒适、富有节奏、文化内涵深厚的滨湖带状绿地。 关 键 词: 风景园林;滨湖景区;文化内涵;绿化景观;建筑设计;杭州 文章编号: 1000-6664(2009)08-0053-04 中图分类号: TU 986 文献标志码: A 收稿日期: 2009-05-08 ; 修回日期: 2009-07-12 Abstract: Lakeside scenic spot in city is a unique green space, which is an important c
well, with t he effectiveness of servi ces t o defend the i nterests of the masses. Thir d, we should strive to do well. To achieve g ood pra ctical results, t he key is to k now t he law, to grasp t he law s and usi ng laws. Office of e conomic devel opment, social pr ogress, t here are r ules to foll ow. Only act a ccor ding to t he law, to over come blindness and strengt heni ng initiative, cre