Building i ndustry opens up new w orld of e ntrepre neurial str uggle to buil d a three provinces of regional central cities--in t he Communist x counties the six ple nary session members a nd comrades: toda y, I was commissioned by t he County party Committee Standing Committee, report s to the Gener al Assembl y. Consideration of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrades atte ndi ng advice. A,
规格 壁厚( t) 管外径 单位管体积 单位管体积 单位管基体积 管及管基体积 (M3/M) 管基宽 B 管基厚 C1 300 35 370 107466.5 0.1074665 0.0789 0.186 520 100 400 40 480 180864 0.180864 0.1034 0.284 630 100 500 50 600 282600 0.2826 0.1307 0.413 744 100 600 60 720 406944 0.406944 0.1723 0.579 900 100 700 70 840 553896 0.553896 0.2053 0.759 1010 100 800 80 960 723456 0.723456 0.2435 0.967 1130 100 900 90 1080 915624 0.915624 0.2902 1.206 1250 105