序号 所在位置 形式 1 A线左线1号桥第三联 23.015+35.64+22 2 A线右线1号桥第三联 23.02+35.72+22 3 正公路跨线桥第三联 22.9+35.68+22 4 C2匝道桥第 1联 22+35.62+22 5 C4匝道桥第 3联 25+35.76+22 6 I匝道桥第 2联 22+35.64+22 7 J匝道1号桥第2联 22+35.58+22 8 R1非机动车道桥第 3联 22+35.58+22 9 R2非机动车道桥第 3联 22+35.94+22 长度 宽度 面积 80.655 16.85 1359.03675 80.74 16.85 1360.469 80.58 39 3142.62 79.62 12.5 995.25 82.76 12.5 1034.5 79.64 10.5 836.22 79.58 10.5 835.59 79.58 8 636.64
8 QR of RTRI, Vol. 54, No. 1, Feb. 2013 Yoshinori YOSHIDA Researcher, Ichiro SUGIMOTO, Ph.D. Laboratory Head, Development of Composite Steel Girder and Concrete Slab Method for Renovation of Existing Steel Railway Bridges Akira TANIKAGA Researcher, Steel Hybrid Structures Laboratory, Structure Technology Division Over half the existing steel railway bridges in Japan have been in service for more