多层房屋框架结构电梯井筒设计的分析 摘 要:钢筋混凝土多层框架电梯小井筒设计中常在电梯井筒四周布置钢筋混凝土柱,井筒四周柱的刚度在抗震设计中对框架柱或平面产生较大影响, 控制电梯井筒四周柱的刚度对框架结构抗震设计有利。 关键词:钢筋混凝土; 多层框架; 电梯井筒; 抗震; 刚度; 地震剪力 Abstract:In the design of small-sized r.c. lift shaft for multi-layer frame, the r.c. columns will be arranged around the shaft. The rigidity of these columns will affect the frame column or plane regarding the anti-seismic design. Therefore, the rigidi
多层房屋框架结构电梯井筒设计的分析 摘 要:钢筋混凝土多层框架电梯小井筒设计中常在电梯井筒四周布置钢筋混凝土柱,井筒四周柱的刚度在抗震设计中对框架柱或平面产生较大影响, 控制电梯井筒四周柱的刚度对框架结构抗震设计有利。 关键词:钢筋混凝土; 多层框架; 电梯井筒; 抗震; 刚度; 地震剪力 Abstract:In the design of small-sized r.c. lift shaft for multi-layer frame, the r.c. columns will be arranged around the shaft. The rigidity of these columns will affect the frame column or plane regarding the anti-seismic design. Therefore, the rigidi