3.9.4 分地区建筑业企业房屋建筑竣工价值 China Monthly Economic Indicators 2018.01 Value of Buildings Completed by Construction Enterprises by Region 房屋竣工价值 商业及服务 住宅房屋 商务会展 其他商业 办公用房屋 用房屋 商厦房屋 宾馆用房屋 餐饮用房屋 用房屋 及服务 地 区 Vallie of ResidentiaI Business and Catering 0ther Mansions Hotels Exhibition Busifless and ofiee Buildings Buildings Buildings Services Serv ices C ompleted Services § 黧 骤 簿 避 鼍 黼 巧 譬 譬 篡 全