ocusing on ways a nd mea ns of improving and upgrading work, furt her development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp " no una uthorised" created. The t ownshi p "no unauthorise d" create d the exi sting buil ding "one house hol d, one docume nt" survey a nd file storage w ork must be unconditi onal and full coverage. Mai n corridor lea ding to the t own (roa d, river) village, the Central buil
ocusing on ways a nd mea ns of improving and upgrading work, furt her development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp " no una uthorised" created. The t ownshi p "no unauthorise d" create d the exi sting buil ding "one house hol d, one docume nt" survey a nd file storage w ork must be unconditi onal and full coverage. Mai n corridor lea ding to the t own (roa d, river) village, the Central buil