某基坑地面沉降成因分析 The analysis of the ground settlement of a pit 胡振烽 (福建省第五建筑工程公司 362000) [提 要 ]针对泉州市某基坑地面沉降过大的现象,分析相关的影响因素,并得到一些实用的体 会。 [关键词 ]基坑支护;地面沉降;被动区加固;时间效应 Abstract: A ccording to the excessive ground settlement of a pit in QuanZhou, in this paper some relative causes is analyzed and some experience is gained. Keywords: pit retaining; ground settlement; reinforcement for the passive zone; t
某基坑地面沉降成因分析 The analysis of the ground settlement of a pit 胡振烽 (福建省第五建筑工程公司 362000) [提 要 ]针对泉州市某基坑地面沉降过大的现象,分析相关的影响因素,并得到一些实用的体 会。 [关键词 ]基坑支护;地面沉降;被动区加固;时间效应 Abstract: A ccording to the excessive ground settlement of a pit in QuanZhou, in this paper some relative causes is analyzed and some experience is gained. Keywords: pit retaining; ground settlement; reinforcement for the passive zone; t