电缆型号与外径尺寸对照表 电缆型号与外径尺寸对照表(埋管必须资料) 序号 电缆型号 电缆外径( mm) 备注 1 YJV-6KV-3*16 35.90 2 YJV-10KV-3*25 40.50 3 YJV-10KV-3*35 45.40 4 YJV-10KV-3*95 57.10 5 YJV-10KV-3*240 72.90 6 VV3*240+1*120 55.02 7 VV3*185+1*95 53.30 8 VV3*120+1*70 44.01 9 VV3*95+1*50 39.52 10 VV3*35+1*16 27.08 11 VV3*25+1*16 24.91 YJV 6/6KV 、6/10KV 交联电缆技术参数 YJV 6/6KV 、6/10KV 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆 导体标称截 面 绝缘厚度 护套厚度 电缆近似外 径 电缆近似重 量 20℃导体 电缆载流量
confere nces, learne d superi ors policie s; reports, you ca n learn t o deal wit h problems, art, just wante d to lear n, to lear n at any time. To continuously expa nd the scope of the study. T he complexity and comprehensive ness of our w ork, deci ded to not only do we want to be "professionals", or if "generalists", to dabble i n different areas of knowle dge. Mastery of knowle dge not only t