[重点实用参考文档资料 ] [重点实用参考文档资料 ] 目 录 第一章 编制依据及原则 ···························································································4 第一节 综合说明 ···································································································4 第二节 编制依据 ···································································································6 第三节 编制原则 ································
We will continue to im prove the compa ny's inter nal control sy stem, and steady improveme nt in a bility to manage a nd control, o ptimize busi ness processe s, to e nsure smoot h processes, responsi bilities i n pla ce; t o further stre ngthen i nternal controls, play a control post i nde pendent oversight rol e of evaluation complying wit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use o