慈溪某置业有限公司采购管理体系介绍——采购的工作目标? 通过各种形式的采购确定符合建筑效果、确保工程质量、满足工程进度、同时具有价格竞争优势、合作良好的材料、设备、部品、工程分包方面的资源供方,提升工程建设效益 。 采购管理过程要解决7...
marketing strict interna l cost control, business and innovation performa nce. --Increasi ng ele ctricity access, pri ce increase , electri city supply i s guarantee d. In 2012, the compa ny with coal i nventor y, get rewards of Jiangsu provi nci al governme nt power to 266 million kWh. Thr oug h the "small" and bilateral trade, access t o ele ctricity 1.695 bi llion kWh, seeki ng removal compe ns