promote the extensi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass-roots, but also the educati onal practi ce of the mass li ne of t he party a nd "thr ee-t hree" special education results a chieve d further inherited a nd ex panded. o re alize "two a" le arning education is a ne cessar y solution to t he present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n pr oblem consci ousne ss a nd i nsist
计算机应用专业群与信息技术基础 教学资源库建设方案 北京信息职业技术学院 2014 年 5 月 10 日 I 目 录 计算机应用专业群与信息技术基础 ........................................ 1 教学资源库建设方案 .................................................... 1 一、建设背景及意义 ................................................. 1 二、建设基础 ....................................................... 2 1.教育教学改革工作全国领先 .................................... 2 2.办学优势得天独厚 .................