Accor ding t o Office Party of mass li ne e ducation pra ctice a ctivities l ed group of unifie d arrangeme nts, units mai n le d to for cadres workers S hang a time s party le cture, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage concentrated lear ning of experie nce today a nd everyone common wit h lear ning exchange , purpose is l et we further dee p understanding mass line of connotation,
Accor ding t o Office Party of mass li ne e ducation pra ctice a ctivities l ed group of unifie d arrangeme nts, units mai n le d to for cadres workers S hang a time s party le cture, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage concentrated lear ning of experie nce today a nd everyone common wit h lear ning exchange , purpose is l et we further dee p understanding mass line of connotation,