CAD 建筑制图规范 学习资料 2010-02-26 11:53:51 阅读 71 评论 2 字号:大中小 一、总则 1、工作目标 2、工作范围 3、工作风格 二、制图 1、制图 规范 2、图纸目录 3、图纸深度
stresse d that prom oting the com prehe nsive revitalizati on should focus on economi c constr ucti on as t he ce ntral focus with, pay special attenti on t o grasp the implementati on of five devel opme nt concepts, dee peni ng reform and promoti ng the all -round openi ng up, ensuring a nd im proving people' s livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecologi cal civili zation, "five priorities