Stainless steel Brushed stainless steel comes in various finishes. No. 3 and No. 4 are typical. These finishes are hard to repair when scratches appears. Another brush finish is the HairLine finish. The advantage of this finish is that the grain is continuous and runs the length of the sheet. The importance of continuous long grain HairLine finish is to allow for repair of minor scratches. On
施工准备 1、主要材料准备: 根据设计的要求选购踢脚线的品种、规格、品牌、颜色,要有出厂合格证, 符合相应产品技术指标。进场须经验收,规格、色泽应符合选购样品。 2、作业条件 1、安装踢脚线的房间和部位的地面、墙面的面层装饰施工均已完成,并办 理完分项验收手续。 2、踢脚线已进场。 3、安装工具及材料准备齐全。安装部位弹好标高水平线。 施工工艺 1、制作定位尺: 安装卡扣时,用定位尺确定卡扣安装位置高度。定位尺长 1000—2400mm; 宽 40—50mm;高度根据踢脚线型号而定 (见下表),定位尺用木制、铁制的均可。 踢脚线型号 定位尺高度 T70 17—17.5mm T80 14.5—15mm T100 38—38.5mm T110 36.5—37mm 2、检查清理: 安装前检査并清理平整安装装饰型材的墙面处 ,尽量让该处平直。清除掉墙 根、墙角处突岀的氺泥灰砂,检查墙面平直