A 941 Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Re- lated Alloys, and Ferroalloys 4 3. Terminology 3.1 De?nitions— For de?nitions of terms used in this speci- ?cation, refer to Terminology A 941. 4. Surface Pattern 4.1 Individual ?oor plate patterns are produced exclusively by each manufacturer and are not identical in dimension or appearance to patterns manufactured by other manufacturers,
恒载 活载 0.5 2 钢板长度 (mm) 钢板宽度 (mm) 钢板厚度 (mm) 设计值 标准值 2000 500 6 3.4 2.5 长宽比值 弯矩系数 (表) 挠度系数 (表) 弯矩 4 0.1 0.11 0.085 强度验算 (Mpa) 11.8055556 满足 挠度验算 (mm) 0.38627068 满足 说明: 使用日期: 2019/9/18 1.本程序用于选择花纹钢板厚度 ,黑底部分需要干预。 2.其中弯矩系数和挠度系数请查钢结构设计手册 580页。 加劲肋翼缘宽 B-C H Y2 180 174 96 77 厚度 (mm)t2 6 加劲肋跨度 弯矩 均布荷载 高度 (mm)h 90 2000 0.85 1.7 面积 (mm2) 1620 Y靠上形心 (mm) 19 惯性矩 (mm4) 1197180 抵抗矩下 (mm3) 15547.79221 抵抗矩上 (mm3)