Party branch Se cretary of a party lect ure of two spee ches: tut oring covers all of the new party Constitution two e ducation has ki cked off. Study of the Constit ution of this practice is a very important part. Today I'll give you a ne w secti on of the Constit ution on the counsell ing of lear ning le ssons, hope, t hroug h today's tutoria l, further consoli dation of all the party members of
1 目 录 (一)、工程概况 . ............................................... 2 (二)、组织机构及职责 . ......................................... 3 (三)、危害识别与风险 . ......................................... 4 (四)、启动应急预案条件 . ....................................... 4 (五)、应急设备、器材与设施 . ................................... 4 (六)、能力与资源 . ............................................. 5 (七)、保护措施 . .................................
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