thrift of excellent traditional and style la ck de ep of understanding, one -sided t hink i n now of good situation Xia, e conomi c smoot h more fast devel opme nt, and reform made major progress, and pe ople livi ng sig nificantly impr ove, and social t he care er made ne w progre ss, no necessary always har d has, no awar eness to China a lso has many poverty area, nd al so has many poverty popu
目 录 一、概述 ..................................................................................... 2 二、防汛防台风主要工作及原则 ............................................. 2 三、防汛防台风机构设置及职责 ............................................. 2 四、项目部防汛防台风情况 ..................................................... 3 五、防汛防台风措施 ................................................................. 4 六、防汛防台风保证措施 .................