yuan, a n increase of 17.5% ; local governme nt general budget revenue of 500 million Yua n, ... Painti ng, model culture creates new Ma Chur ch community, creating Lake sceni c spot culture e ducation base, received hig h eval uation from provincial a nd munici pal di sci pline Inspe ction Commission, the people's daily spe cial report. Consta ntly prom ote indepe ndent Commissi on agai nst corru
yuan, a n increase of 17.5% ; local governme nt general budget revenue of 500 million Yua n, ... Painti ng, model culture creates new Ma Chur ch community, creating Lake sceni c spot culture e ducation base, received hig h eval uation from provincial a nd munici pal di sci pline Inspe ction Commission, the people's daily spe cial report. Consta ntly prom ote indepe ndent Commissi on agai nst corru