In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting students ' healthy gr owth, ensuring t hat nati onal (pr operty) is not l ost , to preve nt or minimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent , rescue ea ch other , ensure safety and re duce losse s" principl e, accor ding t o the l ocal condit ions, mak e the management sy stem. 1, the pri ncipal is the responsibi lity o
In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting students ' healthy gr owth, ensuring t hat nati onal (pr operty) is not l ost , to preve nt or minimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent , rescue ea ch other , ensure safety and re duce losse s" principl e, accor ding t o the l ocal condit ions, mak e the management sy stem. 1, the pri ncipal is the responsibi lity o