yuan, a n increase of 17.5%; l ocal g overnment ge neral budget reve nue of 500 million Yua n, ... Painti ng, model culture create s new Ma Church community, creating Lake s ceni c spot culture e ducation base, receive d hig h evaluati on from provi ncial and muni cipal discipli ne Inspection Commission, t he people's daily special re port. Constantly promote i nde pendent Commissi on agai nst cor
yuan, a n increase of 17.5%; l ocal g overnment ge neral budget reve nue of 500 million Yua n, ... Painti ng, model culture create s new Ma Church community, creating Lake s ceni c spot culture e ducation base, receive d hig h evaluati on from provi ncial and muni cipal discipli ne Inspection Commission, t he people's daily special re port. Constantly promote i nde pendent Commissi on agai nst cor