2006 年二级建造师市政实务真题及答案 单选: ?? 1、路基不需要检查的项目:宽度、横坡、平整度、强度,选择强度 ?? 2、水泥土中水泥含量不得超过: 6%?? 3、几种土压力中最大的是:被动土压力 ?? 4、桩尖未达到设计标高时,继续锤击: 100mm?? 5
constitution of the Communist Party of year group make provisi on. The Chapter 11 is t he Party of the "signs" provisi ons. Emblem a nd flag is t he party symbol a nd l ogo. T his cha pter of the em blem, flag and emblem and flag, make regulati ons. < China > by the party and t he party's constit ution is composed of a n organi c w hole, m ust from the overall study, understand and carry out the e
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