2010年造价师技术与计量土建真题答案 单选: 1~5 ACBBC 6~10CDDBA 11~ 15DCCAD 16~ 20CBCDC 21~ 25 BDCAC 26~30CDAAD 31~ 35 CBCCA 36~40 DCBDB 41~ 45 DBABD 45~50BDCAA 51~ 55 CCCAB 56~60ADBBB 多选: 61~ 65 BC,DE,ACDE,AB,ACD, 66~ 70 AD,BE,ABC,BE,CDE, 71~ 75 ABDE,BE,ADE,BCD,BDE 76~ 80BD,ADE,ABD,ABCD,CE 一、单项选择题 (共 60题,每题 l 分。每题的备选项中,只有 l 个最符合题意 ) 1.道路选线难以避开地质缺陷,但尽可能使路线 ()。 A.处于顺向坡上方 B.处于顺向坡下方 C.与岩层面走向接近正交 D.与岩层面走向接近平
Xiaoping theory a nd the im portant t houg ht of the thre e represe nts and the scie ntific Outlook on devel opment. Such changes w ere made, i s conducive t o implementi ng the i nnovati on of Marxi sm in China, e spe cially the scientific concept of development the strategic task of ar ming the w hol e party, play grass-r oots organizati ons i n prom oting the scientific Outlook on devel opment