《浙江省安装工程预算定额》( 2010 版)综合解释(一)(浙建站计 [2012]19 号) 发布时间 :2012-3-28 点击率 :2017 次 1 、第一册机械设备册说明第二条“本定额若用于旧设备安装时,旧设备的拆除费用,按相应安装定额的 50%计算”。应如何 理解?它的计算方法能否引用到其他各册定额中去? 答:不能引用。
stressed t hat promoti ng the compre hensive revitalization should focus on e conomic construction as the central focus wit h, pay spe cial attention to grasp t he impleme ntation of five development concepts, dee pening reform and promoti ng the all -round openi ng up, ensuring a nd impr oving people' s livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecologi cal civi lization, "five priorities", play
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